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Education and Innovation in Embedded Systems Design

USI Università della Svizzera italiana, USI Faculty of Informatics, Advanced Learning and Research Institute USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI Faculty of Informatics USI Advanced Learning and Research Institute

Dependable Systems

Professor Malek Miroslaw
Course program MAS
Year 1
Semester Spring
Category Elective
Academic year 2013/2014

Course type: Lecture 

Value in ECTS: 3

Academic year 2013/2014 - Spring Semester

Overview of the Course
Fast growth and proliferation of computer and communication, and especially embedded systems, forces the increased demand for properties such as dependability, timeliness and security. In this course, we focus on dependability but references to other two properties are also included. After introducing the various dependability perspectives on system design as well as the methodology of dependable design, we introduce basic concepts, measures and models used in dependable computing and communication. We then describe testing methods, fault diagnosis, fault recovery and fault tolerance techniques that are essential in the dependable systems design. We conclude the course with case studies, which demonstrate what techniques have been used for the dependability enhancement in the real life systems and outline the current trends.


  • Introduction, Motivation and Scope (1 hour)
  • Project Assignment (1hour)
  • Dependability Concepts and Measures (3 hours)
  • Teams Formation, Concept Definition and Project Topics(2 hours)
  • Dependability Modeling and Tools(4 hours)
  • Testing Techniques(2 hours)
  • Project and Assignments(2 hours)
  • Fault Diagnosis Techniques (2 hours)
  • Fault Recovery and Fault Tolerance Techniques (2 hours)
  • Dependable and Fault-Tolerant Memories (2 hours)
  • Project and Assignments (2 hours)
  • Dependable and Fault-Tolerant Software (3 hours)
  • Case Studies (2 hours)
  • Current Trends (autonomic, trustworthy and proactive computing) (1 hour)
  • Project (2 hours)
  • Project Presentations (4-5 hours, depending on the number of teams)

Teaching mode
Lecture + Project assignment + Project presentations + Written exam