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Education and Innovation in Embedded Systems Design

USI Università della Svizzera italiana, USI Faculty of Informatics, Advanced Learning and Research Institute USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI Faculty of Informatics USI Advanced Learning and Research Institute


Professor Paar Christof
Regazzoni Francesco
Breveglieri Luca
Course program MAS
Year 1
Semester Spring
Category Elective
Academic year 2013/2014

Course type: Lecture

Value in ECTS: 3

Academic year 2013/2014 - Spring semester

Overview of the course
Goals: Introduction to Cryptography - Theory, Software and Hardware Breveglieri – Math background, basic definitions, simple starting examples of cryptosystems and one complex example (ECC); Paar – Practical Symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems, focusing on practical algorithms, algorithmic variants, implementations (HW and/or SW), performances.


  • Historical Ciphers Permutation cipher Key lengths and security of symmetric algorithms Problem solving
  • Practical Block Ciphers I: DES and 3DES History Internal design Remarks on hardware and software implementation Problem solving
  • Practical Block Ciphers II: AES History Finite fields for AES - recalls Internal design Remarks on hardware and software implementation Problem solving
  • Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange Theory Implementation techniques Problem solving
  • Digital Signatures Principles RSA Digital Signature Software implementation issues Problem solving