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Education and Innovation in Embedded Systems Design

USI Università della Svizzera italiana, USI Faculty of Informatics, Advanced Learning and Research Institute USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI Faculty of Informatics USI Advanced Learning and Research Institute

Algorithms for Wireless Communication

Professor Meyr Heinrich
Course program MSc
Year 2
Semester Fall
Category Fundamental
Academic year 2013/2014

Course type: Lecture 

Value in ECTS: 6

Academic year 2013/2014 - Fall semester

Wireless communication is ubiquitous in embedded system. Unlike traditional courses on wireless communications focusing on communication theory we focus on digital signal processing performed by the receiver. The task of signal processing is to extract the information from the noisy signal in the antenna. We discuss the principle of coding used to combat transmission errors and the algorithms to recover the information by the decoder. An equally important task of the receiver is to estimate the channel parameters from the noisy signal. Without this knowledge the decoder is unable to operate. We discuss synchronisation and channel estimation algorithms in detail. Understanding of the abstract theoretical concepts is complemented by a MATLAB based practical project.


  • Introduction: signal-and channel model, canonical receiver structure.
  • Communication theory summary: performance measures, mathematical signal representation, bandlimited signals, transmission methods, band pass sampling, sufficient observation and receiver objectives, detection of symbols and estimation of channel parameters.
  • Digital receiver principles: systematic derivation of digital receiver structures, optimal ML receiver .
  • Synchronisation and channel parameter estimation: digital algorithm for timing recovery, timing adjustment by interpolation, phase- and frequency synchronisation
  • Transmission over the fading channel: statistical channel model, achievable rate, principles of diversity, MIMO , OFDM
  • Coding: linear block-, convolutional-, turbo-, LDPC codes, MAP and ML decoding, the Viterbi Algorithm